The most essential requirement for a person who
wants to step into the path of spirituality and
become a healer is to have a continuous
attention to God. In order to gain this
continuous attention to God and receive this
Divine Spiritual Energy from God or the
universe, the individual must be cleansing of
their virtues and do prayers. Now a days
it has been proven that prayer helps the patient
to recover from an ailment. Usually,
prayer itself and the verses have their own
Divine Spiritual Energy. When a sequence
of prayer is repeated continuously, it increases
the amount of the total Divine Spiritual Energy
and the person feels stronger. This Divine
Spiritual Energy gathers at a slow rate as the
person continuously increases its attention to
God on daily basis. This Divine Spiritual
Energy once accumulated will not dissipate and
stays for as long as the person is alive.
Even after the person’s death others can benefit
from this Divine Spiritual Energy. As you
might have heard, there are certain burial
grounds or shrines that have become popular
tourist spots. When people with ailments
go to these places some of them claim that they
have been cured. As a result, healers must
make the most sincere effort to connect
themselves to the Divine Computer or the
“Universal Computer.” Once the healer is
connected, he has continuous access to this
Divine Spiritual Energy. This Divine
Spiritual Energy doesn’t deplete at all.
Now lets look at some examples on how this
process works. When a person wants to eat,
he must eat less than his appetite and desire.
When he wants to talk, he must talk less than
what he desires and must try not to be too
talkative. Healers should prevent
socializing with unworthy or troublesome people.
They must maintain a deep level of calmness and
peacefulness. They should not say much
unless it is important to mention the subject.
Performing the above-mentioned examples requires
a strong will power. In order to increase
one’s will power, the person must fight desire.
Lets say I feel like eating a banana. Now
that I have felt the desire of eating the
banana, I must deny myself the banana so I can
build my will power. Of course it is
important to mention that we should not take a
harsh or radical step and deny ourselves what is
required for the body to maintain a healthy
state. In our actions we must be moderate.
In order to reach a higher state of spirituality
we must be able to hold back ourselves and
ensure that our desires are not unleashed like a
wild beast. Strengthening our will power
and holding back ourselves are mandatory.
If a healer sees a tasty wine and decides to
drink it; if he is offered a drug and decides to
smoke it; or comes across an attractive person
and decides to have pleasure with that person;
then we must say that this person is under the
influence of his desires and his feelings.
If one chooses to reach a higher state of
becoming a healer, he must cleanse his virtue,
his mind, and his desires. This
self-control must reach a point where the
individual is able of complete self-discipline.
When a healer feels a sudden urge for a
particular desire such as food, he should be
able to go to restaurant, order the food, smell
it, take a spoon full, bring it close to his
mouth, and then walk away from it without any
regret, saying to himself “you must be
disciplined.” There are many ways of
self-discipline and strengthening will power.
must become satisfied and content with what they
have and understand the basics of enjoying what
they have. Now that would be healers have
genuinely practiced self-discipline, then they
can see the unseen and hear the unheard.
It is at this stage that when the healer asks
“what is the reason for this individual’s
ailment,” the universal computer will
immediately open the curtain and shows the
healer the reason of the patient's illness.
When the healer wants to know the reason for a
patient’s breast cancer, the Universal Computer,
which has infinitesimal knowledge, will open the
gateway and unveils the reason for the breast
cancer. Humans can have access to an
unlimited pool of Divine Spiritual Energy and
knowledge of health, provided that after having
access to this source, one does not choose to
use it for personal reasons. The healer
must maintain a calm middle-class family life.
His actions must have a divine purpose.
We have heard from some patients who say that
such doctor has a healing hand and with just one
prescription their ailments got cured. It
is not an issue of the physician’s healing hand.
It is an issue of good intention and virtue of
the individual doctor who has prescribed the
medication. If another doctor writes the
same prescription for the same patient, may be
the effect of the medication wouldn't be the
same, based on that doctor's intention and
virtue. As a result, regardless of any
individual’s occupation and profession, if
somebody maintains attention to God, certain
gateways of knowledge from divine opens up for
him. A peak through this gateway and
certain information appears to him that was not
available to him in the past. This law
applies to any field such as art, management,
health, science, music, economics, writing, and
other areas since there is no boundary for the
divine knowledge.
Why Michael Angelo could produce such beautiful
paintings and drawings in churches, and nobody
has ever been able to become close to recreating
them? Because he did it for God, not for
fame or money. The imagery came from
divine, not from his mind. Why Beethoven,
or Johann Sebastian Bach were able to write
certain music, which is still famous after such
a long time? Because they maintained such
a close attention to God that they were able to
hear the music through this divine gateway and
then reproduce it. Although the current
musical instruments are much more advanced than
the past, nobody has been able to get close to
their masterpieces. Such phenomena could
also occur for managers, doctors, farmers, and
other individuals in any occupation. The
type of work is not an issue. What is
significant is the intention and virtue of the
individual. If a manager tries to work for
the benefit of the employees and the employer,
that person will have a much higher long-term
success rate than a manger who works only for
personal benefit and fame.
Greed and personal desires have a slow
devastating long-term effect on a healer.
For example, if one asks for some financial
assistant from a wealthy person and that wealthy
person thinks to himself that “I can increase my
interest rate due to the requestor’s desperate
need,” then the wealthy person is looking after
self interest and greed. If a healer
attempts a healing session with intention of
using the proceeds to buy a fancy car, then the
healer is looking after his own self-interest
and desire, instead of the patient’s well-being.
The healer must heal for the benefit of
humankind and drive an average car. If
desires and self-interest doesn't get controlled
and become tamed, then pretty soon the healer
would be healing to buy a fancy home and other
expensive materialistic possessions.
Various types of healers have possessed diverse
energy colors that can be emitted to others.
Practitioner: generally has a gray or
other dark energy color. On average, a
practitioner shouldn’t give energy to more
than seven people per day, since their
energy diminishes at a faster rate.
Healer: generally has green, yellow,
and/or orange energy color. On
average, a healer can give energy to
thirteen patients per day.
Master Healer: generally has all the
colors of a practitioner and a healer, and
also has a golden color. On average, a
master healer can give energy to twenty
patients per day.
Grandmaster Healer: generally has all
the above-mentioned colors. He or she
also has a white color, which is the highest
quality of energy. A grandmaster
healer sometimes has a violet and a maroon
color as well. At this level, the
healer has no limit as to the number of
people he or she can give energy to per day.
However, one must recognize that the time
and place of work that imposes a physical
limitation. But not a limitation on
the amount of energy used, since there is no
depletion of energy for a grandmaster
healer. For as long as time permits
they can give energy on a daily basis.
It doesn’t matter where a Grandmaster Healer
places his hand when emitting energy to an

For the healer it is simply a wish or intent of
emitting energy and it happens instantly.
Sometimes the healer may choose to touch the
exact organ with a problem, but this is not
necessary. If there is a problem with a
kidney, a grandmaster healer may choose to place
his or her hand on the kidney. Sometimes
environmental toxins or pharmaceutical drugs
could damage the kidney. In this case the
first step is to neutralize the toxins in the
kidney. It makes no difference if a
grandmaster healer or a master healer chooses to
place his or her hand directly on the kidney or
touch elsewhere to emit the Divine Energy to the
individual’s kidney. The Divine Energy has
a collective consciousness so it knows where it
should go to heal the kidney.
In general, it is difficult to identify and
distinguish where the healer will touch when
emitting energy. Based on the individual’s
potential healing ability, a practitioner,
healer, or master healer might choose to work
directly on the organ or touch another location
on the body. One can’t state that there is
an exact level of progress for a practitioner, a
healer, or a master healer. Over time the
ability and energy level of a Practitioner,
Healer, or a Master Healer can diminish or
increase. A healer’s intention and virtue
is the most important factor in the healing
process. This factor controls a healer's
progress and ability to a certain extent.
of a Healer and Different Abilities
An individual can attempt to take the path of
divine energy healing only for the benefit of
the humankind. This technique is purely
for healing others, but not self-healing.
The individual will gain many personal benefits
along the way; however, this is not the primary
intention. There are different levels of
progress for the individual. I have tried
to categorize and rank the ability of different
types of healers in this section.
We may call the individuals who have reached
different levels of progress, Practitioner,
Healer, Master Healer, and Grandmaster Healer.
This is to try to distinguish their level of
ability from one another. Also, through
out the text we have tried to just use the word
healer as an individual, with the ability of
healing and emitting energy to others. I
can also change Zinc to make it more useful in
the body or less toxic, as the case may be.
A healer can also determine whether a given food
is useful or harmful to a person and whether a
given drug is useful or harmful relative to a
patient’s health condition. I am not at
all opposed to certain drugs under certain
circumstances, but a healer can tune in and
determine whether a drug is useful for a given
patient. A healer can energize herbs,
vitamins, food substances, etc., so that their
benefits to the individuals taking them will be
multiplied many folds. Healers can also
treat animals.

Criteria |
Practitioner |
Healer |
Master Healer |
Grand- Master Healer |
1. Ability to Diagnose
from a Variety of Inputs |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
2. Knowledge of the Cause
of Disease |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
3. Remote Healing and
Diagnosing |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
4. Transmission of the
Healing Ability to a Third Person |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
5. Financial
Considerations |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
6. Energy and Auras |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
7. Transfer of the
Ability to See and Feel Energy |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
8. Devotion to God |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
9. Protection from
Disease (AIDS, Cancer, MS) |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
10. Transmission of the
Healer’s Energy Bank or Battery |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
11. Purification of Body
and Mind |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
12. Conversion of Mass to
Energy and Energy to Mass |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
13. Energizing /
De-energizing of Material |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
14. The Power of
Intention |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
15. Documented Proof |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
16. Ability to Train
Others |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
The above criteria are explained below:
1. Ability to Diagnose from a Variety of Inputs
A healer can diagnose what is wrong with an
individual by hearing the individual’s voice on
a tape or over a telephone; by seeing a
photograph, preferably of the entire front and
back of the body; by knowing the full name of
the individual; or by visiting the patient in
person. A healer will be able to make a
diagnosis that will always include all known,
and unknown diseases.
Known Disease: Are the types of ailments
that we have in our daily life. For
example Malaria, kidney, liver, heart, stomach
or intestine problems are known diseases.
Current medical science is aware of its source
and cause of the problem.
Unknown Disease: Are the types of
problems that current conventional medical
science is not aware of its source and cause of
the ailments.
Is it based
on virus, bacteria, microbe or is it due to
chemical changes in the body? Sometimes
the medical community considers the problem due
to a virus, bacteria, or sometimes they consider
it as immune system deficiencies. An
individual who refers to a doctor and says that
“I hurt here and there,” or “I can’t sleep at
nigh.” Is not
precise information. The doctor has a
difficult time to diagnose the cause of the
disease. Sometimes a particular ailment
causes sudden eye muscles failure, or a
particular muscles in the body to fail. These
types of problems have no historical cases in
current medical science and are considered as
unknown disease. For instance, the cause
of Migraine, which is a very common chronic
disease, is not known to current medical
science. In Divine Spiritual Energy
Healing we have found 7 different causes for
Migraine and we have approximately 80% rate of
curing the Migraine. Another example is
allergy, but the source of allergy is not known.
Doctors can do allergy tests and find that the
person has allergic reaction to many different
elements in the environment, but they can’t say
what has happened in the body that has caused
this problem for the person. We have cured
this type of allergies by finding the origin and
cause of the problem in the patient’s body.
For example, Divine Spiritual Energy Healing
cured a lady who claimed that she had allergic
reaction to bread, rice, and fruits for 12
years. Divine Spiritual Energy Healing
cured a gentleman who had a very sever problem
with discharging gas 70 to 80 times a day for
almost 20 years. He is now much better and
he is only discharging gas 4 to 5 times a day.
This is not a severe ailment but rather a very
annoying and embarrassing problem. There
were many cases that patients came to us after
referring to many well-known medical centers
with no positive results. Of course in
some cases these types of ailments have a name
without knowing the source or the cause of the
ailment in the body. These patients had
significant progress with Divine Spiritual
Energy Healing.
There are
some ailments like kidney failure, which the
source or the cause of the kidney failure is not
known. Suppose a teenager has kidney
failure. For this individual a particular
organ within his body is not functioning
properly or it has failed to function, which has
caused kidney failure. Suppose a woman has
Ovarian Fibrosis. A particular organ in
the body has failed that caused this symptom to
occur. Every organ in the body must
perform its unique function in the body for the
whole body to function properly. Whenever
one of these organs in the body fails to perform
its function or functions poorly, it causes an
ailment in the body. Some patients
complain from chronic headache. These
patients have major progress after a few
sessions of divine spiritual energy healing and
there are times when their headaches might not
return for 7 to 8 years. All these
patients have medical records and unfortunately
after they are healed they don’t go back to
their doctor to report to them about their
progress. Current medical science doesn’t
have a method to diagnose some of these types of
ailments such as Migraine. So when the
patients claim they are healed, the physicians
cannot prognosis it either, except for accepting
the patient’s statement. It is very
difficult to convince the current medical and
scientific community about healing. The
number of these unverifiable cases of healing is
high, as there are no diagnostic test or
equipment for many of these types of ailments.
Healing these types of diseases and trying to
measure the patients’ progress during the
healing process, utilizing some of the current
medical technology is a major obstacle for the
progress of Divine Spiritual Energy Healing,
because it does not fall into the proper
category of providing scientific proof.
Unfortunately the medical science does not want
to accept the patient’s word that “I no longer
have pain,” or “I am cured” as a positive and
accurate scientific claim. The current
medical community instead of cooperating with us
in this area and wanting to listen to the
patients’ claims feel threatened by Divine
Spiritual Energy Healing and tend to ignore the
significant progress that we have been able to
make in many areas of curing patients who could
not be helped by the current advances in medical
Over the
last 45 years we have been able to heal more
than hundred thousand cases.
Unfortunately, due to lack of personnel and
providing the services for free, we have not
been able to document majority of these cases
except for individual consent of saying we have
been cured. The patients’ statements hold
no value for medical scientific community.
We have a case that a 10-year old child who had
Cirrhosis of liver and was a candidate for liver
transplant has been cured recently based on a
liver biopsy. The reason that the kid was
a candidate for liver transplant was because
current medical community was not able to find
the cause of the ailment. But we found the
cause using the Universal Computer and its
unlimited source of knowledge. We were
able to heal him by focusing the energy on the
particular organ that had caused the liver
failure as a symptom in his body. We
consider all these diseases as unknown disease
in the current medical science, since the
current science has no idea about the cause of
these problems in the body. The medical
centers are able to measure and diagnose some of
these ailments but they have no knowledge of the
sources of the problems in the body that cause
ailments. Divine Spiritual Energy Healing
can have a major contribution in this area of
diagnosing the cause of various ailments in the
body and allow the medical and scientific
centers to focus their resources and funding on
the right method of healing. The synergy
between the Divine Spiritual Energy Healing and
current medical technology will help the
humanity and it is for the benefit of the
2. The Cause of Disease
Basically a
healer is able to look at the entire person and
understand the cause of the disease at its most
fundamental physiological nature, whether it
originated in the red cells, the white cells,
the platelets, or originated because of some
other malfunction or toxicity, etc. In
other words, the healer would always have a much
more comprehensive and holistic overview of
disease than a single cause, as is often done in
modern medicine. As soon as I tune into a
given patient, I can tell what type of diseases
the patient’s alive or deceased parents or other
members of family have. In other words, I
see an energetic connection between the patient
and his or her parents and their diseases.
For example, some time ago a well-known
scientist or doctor claimed that the cause of
death of Totem Khan, the well-known Egyptian
king, was due to a head injury. However,
when I check with the Universal Computer, I
receive an answer that the king’s death was due
to a brain stroke. If a healer is
able to diagnose the type of disease of an
individual or their parents, regardless of
whether they are deceased or alive, then time no
longer imposes a boundary upon him. The
person could have had the disease yesterday or
thousands of years ago. As a result, what
a healer is able to see is independent of time.
The healer is able to diagnose the problem,
because all events in the universe are
immediately registered in the Universal Computer
at their point of occurrence. Since they
are registered there, an able individual can tap
in to this source of knowledge to investigate
the cause of the disease.
3. Remote Healing and Diagnosing (Tele-Healing /
A healer is able to both diagnose and heal
anywhere on the planet, independent of space and
time. This is possible since the Divine
Spiritual Energy has no boundary.
4. Transmission of the Healing Ability to a
Third Person
Once a Grandmaster gets to know an individual
and trust that individual who has become one of
his students, he is able to give that individual
the ability to perform certain specific healing
techniques or healing for specific diseases,
which the healer will do in the name of the
Grandmaster. A healer is able to allow a
relative of a patient to become a temporary
healer with the permission to only emit energy
to the patient to have the patient recover from
his disease.
5. Financial Considerations
I emphasize that a healer should not make a
great deal of money, but has a right to a middle
class standard of living. This of course
is a major problem throughout this country, as
to whether healers should charge for their
services. Under ordinary circumstances, a
healer volunteers healing, but has the right to
donations to assist in obtaining a middle class
standard of life.
6. Energy and Auras
A healer
would both see aura and feel energy emanating
from an organ of a patient and the aura of the
patient. This includes both the
electromagnetic energy field and what we will
call the Divine Spiritual Energy field of a
given individual. All illnesses are
associated with a dark color or discoloration in
the aura and an area in the normal pattern of
circulation of this aura.
an individual gets sick, such as having a
headache. in the head area a healer can see dark
colors. As the dark color changes into a
bright color, this is the sign that the
patient’s situation is changing and he is
recovering from the headache. Generally
dark black colors, marine blue, and purple or
these types of dark colored energies start
discharging from the body. This change of
color is due to energy changes.
an individual is sick and we transfer energy to
the individual, this emitted energy will cause
the particular organ to recover from the
ailment. When the organ start changing
color from a dark color to a bright color, this
is an indication that the individual is getting
better. I should mention that my students
clearly see what color and what shape is
discharging from the particular organ of the
patient. Even when I work remotely, they
can see energy entering the patient’s body as
well as the colors that are discharging from the
body. Every organ in the body has energy.
Since energy changes into mass and vice versa,
as a result, a mass has its own color.
When a healer transmits energy to a particular
organ, the organ starts recovering from an
ailment. As the organ recovers from the
ailment, it continuously changes color from dark
to bright. Suppose a lady has as ovarian
cyst. When energy is emitted to the
ovaries, the cyst slowly reduces in shape and
disappears. In this case the ovarian cyst
mass has changed into energy and the energy
dissipates from the body. Now, the
brighter the dissipated energy becomes, it is
more of a sign of recovery from the ovarian
cyst. To further explain this we must
explain that cyst is made from billions of
cells, which has created the mass. Since
this mass has the potential to change into
energy, a healer can convert this mass into an
energy that gets dissipated. Usually an
ovarian cyst must be surgically removed or gets
perforated and sometimes medication is
effective. When none of the above has been
utilized and the cyst disappears, one can say
that this mass has been converted to an energy
that dissipated from the body. In this
case when the ovarian cyst has been changed into
energy and that energy is dissipated from the
body, the individual’s aura becomes a brighter
color. One must make a distinction between
aura and the energy that each organ of the body
To further
distinguish between energy and aura, body has
its own mass. Mass can produce its own
energy. When we take a sugar cube, this
mass converts into energy in the body.
Some individuals are able to see this change of
mass into energy in the body but majority of
people can’t see it due to lack of proper
practices. So, every organ in the body has
its own potential energy. When this
potential energy starts dissipating, a healer is
able to increase this potential energy to its
original state. For example, if
Hypothalamus goes out of its own orbit, it
causes several problems in the body. One
of the Hypothalamus’ functions in the body is to
adjust the body temperature. If somebody’s
hand constantly gets cold and the individual is
not low in blood, or he is not in cold weather,
and continuously have a cold sensation in the
body; then, this is a sign which indicates
Hypothalamus has slightly gone out of its proper
orbit, which causes ailment in the body. A
second example is when Parathyroid goes out of
its proper orbit, which is possible to cause
certain ailment in the body such as lack of
sufficient calcium in the hands or legs.
This cause the bones become brittle and break
easily. A healer can return the
Hypothalamus or the Parathyroid into its proper
orbit again. This means that all the
duties that the Divine has assigned for those
organs to perform, will be retained again.
Suppose some body doesn’t grow tall properly or
stays short. One of the reasons is due to
Pituitary Gland’s malfunction. Divine has
assigned certain tasks for this gland and due to
its deficiency it is not able to perform its
proper responsibilities in the body, which is to
produce growth hormone. When Pituitary gland
doesn’t perform its proper task in the body, the
individual will have Acromegaly. Every
organ must maintain its own proper orbit, going
out of its proper orbit for various reasons
cause ailments in the body. So, a true
healer can command the organ to return to its
proper orbit and perform the tasks assigned by
the Divine. This results in proper
function of the organ. In this case at the
proper growth age the individual will start
growing taller. The person who has
Acromegaly will no longer experience excess
growth in their face, hands, and feet.
say a woman has excess milk in her breasts and
she doesn’t have any child. This can be
due to over production of Prolactine in the
body, which is the function of Hypothalamus.
In this case, using the Divine Spiritual Energy
we can directly influence Hypothalamus and
command it to reduce the Prolactine production
in the body. Using Energy Healing this can
be accomplished in a matter of minutes. If
one chooses to use medication, she might have to
take Promokriptine for many months and it might
control the problem. Also, the functions
of Pituitary Gland or other various regions in
the brain can be influenced by the Divine
Spiritual Energy. Suppose the bladder
muscles become weak or bladder sphincter becomes
non-functional. In this case we can
influence the proper location in the brain,
which is responsible for these sections in the
body, by commanding them to send proper signal
to the particular organ to function properly.
If women have excess bleeding during their
menstruation we can adjust that without using
drugs or Vitamin K. When Pituitary Gland
doesn’t produce sufficient amount of Oxitocin in
the body, then the blood doesn’t coagulate well.
Directly sending the Divine Spiritual Energy to
the Pituitary Gland with the intention of
increasing the production of the Oxitocin will
influence the amount of bleeding during the
menstruation period. Also, heart has many
different types of diseases. For example,
enlargement of heart muscles has a solution in
the Divine Spiritual Energy Healing. We
can help the enlargement of the heart muscles by
sending energy to the part of the brain that
controls the breathing, or directly send this
energy to the heart muscles. Divine
Spiritual Energy Healing can reduce an enlarged
heart muscle to its original size with a 60 to
70 percent success rate. The proper
functioning of the heart directly and indirectly
affects all the organs in the body, since heart
pumps blood and nutrition to various cells of
the organs. If heart muscles only perform
50 percent of their original duty, it means that
all cells of the various organs in the body will
only work 50 percent of their original capacity,
because the heart cannot provide sufficient
blood supply to the organs. This could be
noticed by loss of muscle sensation or muscle
degeneration. There are also cases that
the patient could faint or go unconscious.
As a result, quite a number of diseases in the
body could be triggered due to insufficient
blood supply to organs due to the heart muscles
weakness. In order for humans to be alive
and well, both brain and heart must function
well. If the heart works well but the
brain become non-functional, the person becomes
a vegetable. There is support system to
keep the person alive only biologically.
For a person to have a full complete life both
organs must function properly.
7. Transfer of the Ability to See and Feel
With the Grandmaster’s permission, most students
or able individuals are able to see and feel the
energy systems and the auras of people. A
healer is also able to change both, his own aura
and the aura of others.
8. Devotion to God
A healer must have continuous attention and
devotion to God at any and all points of time.
Essentially my position is that a healer is
always in touch with God, and keeps constant
mental and spiritual connectedness.
9. Protection from Disease
A healer is always protected from “catching” any
illness that a patient has during the healing
session. In addition, the healer doesn’t
need to focus on cultivating energy while
healing. A true healer will never lose his
or her energy and is never fatigued or
de-energized by healing others.
10. Transmission of the Healer’s Energy Bank or
The healer can grant permission to others to tap
into his or her energy bank upon request,
regardless of distance. This permission
can be granted on permanent or temporary basis
to an individual. A healer is also able to
revoke the energy from an individual. For
example, lets say if you are a vice president of
an accounting department and request to transfer
some fund, your request is performed based on
your credibility. The same rule applies
here if the Grandmaster Healer says that an
individual is permitted to heal on his behalf,
the request will be granted due to the
credibility of the Grandmaster. This
permission can be granted on temporary or
permanent basis to an individual. The
person receives this energy through the healer
from the same infinite source that the healer is
receiving it from. The individual cannot
bypass the Grandmaster and directly receive the
energy from the main source. The healer
becomes like a catalyst that can grant energy
healing to many millions of people without ever
depleting the energy source. The same way
that a healer can transmit energy remotely to
others, he can also transfer it to different
material. This will allow the material to
maintain a steady healing energy within its
11. Purification of Body and Mind
A healer will not under any circumstances use
drugs or alcohol, or have anger. In order
to have continuous access to Divine Spiritual
Energy, the healer must be pure in heart and
virtue. Some clairvoyants should see
angels around the healer. Talented other
intuitive clairvoyant individuals are able to
see both changes in the energy field of a
healer, and also a number of angels around a
healer, during healing sessions. These
angels that clairvoyant individuals see can vary
based on the individual’s religious belief.
12. Conversion of Mass to Energy and Energy to
Mass (E=MC2)
Einstein’s theory that energy (E) is equal to
mass (M), times the speed of light to the power
of 2 (C2), (E=MC2), is
perfectly reflected in the healing process.
The healer is able to convert mass into energy
and vise versa. For instance, the
dissolution of a cyst or tumor would be
converting mass into energy. Conversion of
energy into mass would be regeneration of
tissues. Such as in Cirrhosis, that not
only gets rid of the scar, but it actually
creates new liver cells, or possibly reawakens
dead liver cells.
13. Energizing / De-energizing of Material
A healer is capable of transferring his or her
energy to other material, such as water,
raisins, sugar, etc., so that the patient may
have access to the energized material as part of
reinforcement process for ongoing healing.
For instance, every time that I worked on a
patient at our clinic, I gave the patients
energized sugar cubes or energized raisins and
told them to take a few grains of a sugar cube
or a raisin each day. Sometimes they were
to take it at various specific intervals.
But each time prior to taking the energized
item, they were to repeat three times the name
of the Divine in the patient’s own belief
system, such as saying “In the name of the
compassionate and merciful God.”
I also use energized water in an ongoing fashion
to assist in the healing process. There
are reports by Professor Popp and Professor
Tiller on changes that have been measured in the
water that I have energized.
Water Research: Professor William A.
Tiller, Emeritus Professor, Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, California. He has
been privy to the documented findings in Dr. C.
Norman Shealy's initial study of my healing
abilities and finds the evidence quite
compelling in support of my special gifts in
healing. Because of this, he begun
designing new experimental devices for testing
my energy. He has joined Dr. C. Norman
Shealy's further research of my healing
abilities. Professor Tiller conducted the
initial water research
Bio-photon Water Research: Dr.
Fritz-Albert Popp is a well-known biophysicist
and a professor at the Kaiserlautern University
in Germany. He received 9 samples of sealed
plastic bottles of spring water. The first three
bottles of water (first sample), were not
energized. I energized the second three
bottles of water (second sample) by touching
them. I energized the third three bottles
of water (third sample), from a distance of 2
meters (about 6 feet). Dr. Popp’s team performed
Bio-photon measurements. They performed
measurements of photon emission after excitation
with electric voltage to receive reliable
results. The researchers filled 2 ml of
each sample into quartz cuvettes. They put
two white gold electrodes into the cuvettes and
detected 50 measured values (counts per interval
of 100 ms). Then they connected an
electrode voltage of 30 V for 5 seconds and
detected another 100 measured values. This
measuring procedure was repeated twice for all
nine samples. Bio-photon analysis showed
significant difference between the water, which
was not energized by (first sample) and water,
which, was energized by (second and third
samples). There was no noted difference between
second sample (directly energized) and the third
sample (energized from distance of 2 meters).
Divine spiritual energy has the ability to
change the property of matter. In some
experiments we showed this to be true with
water. It doesn't matter if the material
is water, raisin, sugar cube, human body organs,
or artificial muscles. It also doesn't
matter if the affected object is manufactured
with different types of material. It could
be a jet engine, car engine, a semiconductor, a
chip, or anything else. However, it is
important to be able to perform the proper
scientific tests to prove the change of the
material property. The metals in the body
can be influenced with the Divine Spiritual
Energy. Their benefits can be increased
many levels. The energy can influence the
compounds in the body directly and indirectly.
This chemical substance change is for healing
the physical being, the same way that the Divine
Energy effects water as experiments have shown.
Zinc is the only metal that can be influenced
outside of the body. For example, the role
that Magnesium has in the body can be effected,
same as the effect of Sodium in the body.
There are times when a chemical poisoning has
occurred in the body which has directly damaged
some organs. In such cases, the Divine
Spiritual Energy Healing gives energy to the
damaged organs. Kidney or liver processes
the toxins in the body. In cases where the
organ is unable to process the toxins in the
body, a healer can use the Divine Spiritual
Energy to do so.
14. The power of intention
The intent of the healer is the dominant factor
in the healing process. The healer must
pay attention in order to control the transfer
of healing or the Divine Spiritual Energy either
locally or remotely, but the intent of the
healer is always the dominant effect.
15. Documented
An able healer should be able to present medical
records for healing an ailment, such as before
and after lab results or MRI.
16. Ability to
train other qualified individuals
Connection of a Grandmaster Healer with Students
A Grandmaster Healer has access to the Devine
Computer and he slowly transmits the knowledge
of energy healing to his students. A
student who gains access to healing energy can
gradually transmit energy to others and start
healing people. Sometimes when a student
makes mistakes in his understanding of an issue,
the Grandmaster Healer can verbally give a brief
explanation to correct the student’s
misunderstanding. We have many cases that
a worthy student said, “I can’t see” (the energy
patterns around a patient). I transmitted
a specific energy to the student and said now
you may see. The student then gained the
ability to see. After a while the students
are fully able to see the auras and the energy
patterns around the patients up to a point that
they are even able to see the angelic images
very clearly. Of course this issue is very
different than what you see on T.V. or hear on
radio stations. I am speaking about a
spiritual issue here, that is not a show or
special effect. This knowledge can’t be
passed through words and speech. The brain
waves are much better way of communication
process between a Grandmaster and his students.
A Grandmaster Healer is able to transmit his
brain waves to another person’s brain. In
the case of the 60 EEG tests that we conducted,
I sent my brain waves to the brain of the
individual and I commanded his brain to decrease
the alpha or beta activities of his brain.
The same way that the experiment proved that it
is possible to directly communicate with a
person’s brain, I can pass any information to
the students. In this manner a student
doesn’t need to carry pen and paper to take
notes of various events and try to absorb the
information. The information automatically
gets registered with no particular effort.
Majority of times the Grandmaster Healer
transmits the necessary knowledge to the student
in his dream or awaken state. This type of
knowledge can’t be written down or learned
through the typical process of reading a book
and understanding it. The student requires
spending some time with the master in order to
be able to learn the information. Why do
people go to school and universities? To
study and learn. Why can’t they just take
the textbooks home and start studying the
subject? The same scenario applies here
also, with the exception that the transmission
of information is more at the mental state than
physical state. However, the path to
cleanse the virtue and maintain it is a
continuous process. There have been many
cases when as soon as the students gained some
degree of knowledge, their intention of taking
advantage of this knowledge for materialistic
well being corrupted their original purpose.
This knowledge is sacred and it must stay
sacred. So, writing this sacred knowledge
on paper and allowing the possibility of
individuals to misuse it is improper.
Healing and its power must only be utilized for
the benefit of the humankind without any
individualistic gain. There are many other
occupations that individuals can use for their
own personal benefits--but not this one.
It is a great responsibility for the Grandmaster
Healer to select the proper student over a long
period of time to ensure that the main intention
of the student who wants to walk along this path
is purely for the benefit of the humankind.
from Space and Time
Sometimes a patient is in need of healing, pass
midnight or during odd hours. A healer
should have the proper energy and love to help
at any time of day or night. The distance
between the healer and the patient should also
become irrelevant of conducting a healing
session, provided that the healer has access to
person's full name, or can hear patient’s voice,
or has a picture of the patient. For a
true healer, the distance and the time of the
healing session should impose no boundaries. |